Neon Supply - Resources & Tools

3 Easy Ways to Get Likes on TikTok

Written by Emily Goodwin | May 4, 2022 3:28:00 PM
TikTok is a social media beast that just keeps growing and shows no sign of slowing down. For businesses, this platform has a lot of potential for you to build awareness of your brand and get your target customer to start engaging with your business.
Views are one thing, but getting people to actually click the heart on your content is a whole other challenge. TikTok users know that the second they interact with your content, they're going to start seeing a lot more of it on their feed.
So how do you convince users to stop and stay awhile with your content? Read on for three easy tips to get more likes on your TikTok content.
3 Ways to Get Likes on TikTok
  1. The only hashtags you use should be relevant to your content.
So you want to use a trending hashtag, but it doesn’t have anything to do with your content — should you still use it? While some may have more success reaching a broader audience using a big trending hashtag, it won't necessarily connect you with people who'd be interested in what you offer.
Using a trending hashtag that doesn't relate to your content won't guarantee that you'll go viral, get tons of new followers, and see an influx of orders. It also doesn't guarantee that users following that hashtag will find your business relevant to them, which will negatively impact the amount of engagement you'll get on that piece of content.
2. Have a unique take on a trend.
Hopping on a trend can help you reach a larger audience, which may help you get more likes. But, don't just do what everyone else is doing. Have a unique take on the trend, and ideally, make it relevant to a problem your target customer has (which should be something your business can solve).
3. Don’t just do every trend. If it doesn’t relate to an audience you’re trying to reach, it doesn’t make sense to do it.
Although trends can help expose your business to a larger audience, trend carefully. If a trend doesn't pose an opportunity to relate to your intended audience, don't do it. Your TikTok content should always add value to your following and intended audience, so it's best to use your content creation time to do just that — not to make a trending video that flops because it's not the right fit for your audience's expectations.
Your TikTok content should draw people in to watch until the end and leave them wanting to engage with it so it continues to be shown to them. Creating likeable content is the best way to do that.
To summarize, your 3 top tips to get more likes are:
  1. Hashtags should relate to your content and your business.
  2. Have a unique take on a trend.
  3. But, don't do every trend. If it doesn't work for your business, move on to the next.