Neon Supply - Resources & Tools

3 Easy Ways to Boost Your Facebook Engagement

Written by Emily Goodwin | Nov 9, 2021 2:34:08 PM


Facebook is a crucial business tool since over 2.7 billion active users access the platform each month and many will turn to the search bar to learn more about your business. The high volume of users turning to the platform to find information about your business makes it imperative that your business has an active and well-maintained presence on Facebook. 

But what if you already have a Facebook page that you post on regularly and still aren’t getting a ton of likes, clicks, or shares? Try these tips to boost your Facebook post engagement on the next piece of content you share on your business’ page.

Easy Ways to Boost Your Facebook Post Engagement



1. Avoid engagement bait

Facebook defines engagement bait as a practice that prods people into engaging with your posts, either through liking, commenting, or sharing. Facebook scans posts for engagement baiting and the posts that use these tactics are demoted in the News Feed. Pages that use engagement baiting regularly can also be demoted, so it’s important to follow Facebook’s guidelines around the practice.

Facebook classified engagement bait into five categories. React baiting is when you ask your followers to react to your post in any way, be it a like or one of the other five react options. Comment baiting is asking your followers to leave a specific comment on your post. 

To avoid share baiting, refrain from asking your followers from sharing your post, both in general and with a specific number of people. Facebook also frowns upon tag baiting and vote baiting. Both are pretty self-explanatory; tag baiting involves asking your followers to tag their friends in the comment section and vote baiting is when you prompt your followers to vote on something. Voting can be done by using a specific reaction to vote for a particular option, or by commenting on or sharing the post.

Ultimately, engagement bait practices will harm your Facebook post engagement, so it’s best to avoid them. You can get your followers to engage with your content in other ways, like asking a specific question, which is explored in more detail in tip three.

2. Use high-quality graphics in your posts

But first, we’re going to discuss the importance of using high-quality graphics to help improve your Facebook post engagement. High-quality graphics are way more appealing to your followers. If you show them a low-quality image, they’ll be less likely to engage with your content, which will hurt your company’s News Feed rankings. 

The Facebook Ads Guide recommends using images that are a minimum width of 600 pixels wide and also have a minimum height of 600 pixels. The resolution of your images should be 1080 pixels x 1080 pixels. The maximum file size you’ll be able to upload is 30MB and you can upload both JPG and PNG files. Following these guidelines set out by Facebook will help set up your content for success.

If you’re struggling to get photos that aren’t blurry or unfocused or don’t have the time to devote to making good graphics with multiple elements, it may be a good idea to consider investing in graphic design support so someone else can make the high-quality visuals you need for social media while you do everything else your business needs you to do.

3. Ask a question!

Asking a question is an excellent way to organically grow your Facebook post engagement, and won’t get your posts labeled as engagement bait by Facebook. Facebook lists asking for recommendations, tips, and advice as acceptable ways to engage your followers. 

Including questions in your captions also helps to improve overall engagement both with a specific piece of content and the whole page. Since Facebook users only spend an average of 34 minutes per day on the platform, you want some of that time to be spent engaging with your content. Asking a meaningful question that prompts a genuine response is one of the best ways to get your followers to interact with your posts.

Here are some example questions you can ask to boost your Facebook post engagement.


These are some of the many possible questions you can include in your Facebook captions to encourage followers to interact with your posts.


The tips in this post will help you boost your Facebook post engagement on your future content. By avoiding engagement bait, only using high-quality graphics in your posts, and posing meaningful questions in your captions, you’ll set your content up to do well in Facebook’s algorithm. Following Facebook’s guidelines will allow your posts to rank higher in the News Feed, which in turn will get it seen by more people and increase engagement on your content. 

A social media management plan can also help ensure your Facebook page, along with your other social media pages, stays up-to-date and follows all the Facebook best practices to get your content to rank well.